Delivery Options

The delivery options below are based on estimates for standard articles held in local stock. Should the article you order not be locally stocked, allow an additional 4-6 working days for delivery unless you are informed of a longer lead time at the time of ordering. Delivery charges may apply depending on the value of your order and the location of the delivery and will be confirmed when you place an order. Please note that lead times on product can change and we endeavour to notify customers where possible of such changes as soon as they become known.

Major Cities Countrywide - Next Day Delivery

Order before 16:00 for same day despatch of locally held stock for next day delivery by 12:00.

Regional Cities Countrywide - Next Day Delivery

Order before 16:00 for same day despatch of locally held stock for next day delivery by 17:00. Far outlying regional areas may take 2-4 days. Please enquire about the delivery time to far outlying areas.

Export Market Delivery

Please enquire about the delivery time and cost to export areas by contacting our exports department on +27 11 691 9300 or email

Special Delivery

Same day and Saturday deliveries to major centres are available on request. Please enquire about charges for and availability of these services.

Non standard articles

Should you order hazardous, extended range or calibrated articles, longer lead times may apply. Products that contain hazardous substances may take 2 to 3 working days from locally held stock. If these articles are not locally stocked, a longer lead time will apply and confirmed at the time of ordering.