Keysight 33600A Series Trueform Waveform Generator Upgrades
Users of Keysight 33600A Series Trueform waveform generators can upgrade their instruments at any time, as their needs change. Options available include: increased bandwidth to 120MHz (336BW1U 808-8695 for 1-channel models, 336BW2U 809-0708 for 2-channel models); increased arb memory to 64M (336MEM1U 809-0701 for 1-channel models, 336MEM2U 809-0705 for 2-channel models); add NISPOM and file security (336SECU 809-0714 ); add IQ baseband signal player to 2-channel arb (336IQPU 809-0717 ); add high-stability timebase ( 33600U-OCX 809-0711 ).
A 1-channel generator cannot be upgraded to a 2-channel generator.