The Inline Controller is configured and programmed according to IEC 61131 using the PC WorX automation software. PC WorX can be operated via the network (Ethernet). The powerful processor can be programmed in all five IEC 61131 programming languages and ensures quick control task processing.,The integrated Ethernet connection (using twisted pair cable) provides for the Ethernet connectivity. Throughout the Ethernet network, the Inline Controller can be accessed via Ethernet and TCP/IP or UDP/IP.The ILC 170 ETH 2TX has two fully implemented Ethernet connections, which are switched inside the device. The ILC 170 ETH 2TX also has a plug-in parameterization memory in the form of an SD card. This memory can be used to save programs and configurations, which belong to your project, e.g., the visualization project.,Integrated communication functions enable direct and effective data exchange via Ethernet. Using the send and receive communication blocks, information, e.g., necessary coupling variables, can be exchanged between Inline Controllers via Ethernet. This enables distributed, modular automation solutions to be configured.