Need a way to efficiently monitor performance in your non-critical equipment? The vibration sensor from SKF is a condition indicator that gives you an early warning when machines such as pumps or fans aren't operating as usual. This helps avoid disruptive breakdowns and unexpected maintenance costs. The unit is programmed using a magnetic key that does everything from switching between modes to resetting alarms. When you want to check a machine's performance, it's easy to glance at the green, amber and red lights. Use this sensor on components like gearboxes and compressors that aren't normally monitored.
Activates from sleep up to 8 times a day, preserving power 3.6 V lithium non-replaceable battery with three-year battery life Operating temperature range of -20°C to +85°C Stud or glue mounting Durable polymer case and stainless-steel base
Application Information
Manufacturing Light and heavy engineering Automotive industries
What operating modes does the vibration sensor offer?
The sensor has four modes, which are programmed using the magnetic key provided. In threshold mode, it compares performance to a preset alarm point. Percentage mode defines normal working parameters by recording a set of measurements. Verification mode is on hand to prevent false alarms, while adaptive alarming mode tracks small changes before setting off an alarm.