The PIC24FJ256GA700 16-bit microcontroller family introduces large Flash and SRAM memory in smaller package sizes. These devices feature an integrated hardware cryptographic module, eXtreme Low Power (XLP) technology, USB, LCD and advanced peripherals making them ideally suited to low power embedded security and other high-performance applications.
16-bit PIC24 CPU with modified Harvard architecture Up to 16 MIPS Operation @ 32 MHz 8 MHz Internal oscillator with 96 MHz PLL option 32-Bit by 16-Bit Hardware Divider 16 x 16-Bit Working Register Array Communications: 6 x UART, 4 x SPI and 3 x I2C 256K Dual partition Flash memory with live update capability Integrated Cryptographic Engine NIST Standard Encryption/Decryption operations without CPU intervention Battery-backed RAM key storage 10/12-Bit, up to 24-Channel ADC with 12-bit conversion rate of 200 kbps 10-Bit DAC with 1 Msps update rate 3 x programmable analogue comparator Charge Time Measurement Unit for up to 24 channels of capacitive touch sensing