The SigFox 3 click is a device which carries the SN10-13, a fully integrated module by InnoComm, allowing connection to a low power wide area network (LPWAN) that enables communication utilizing the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) radio frequency band. The SigFox click comes with the subscription to the Sigfox network for a duration of one year from the moment of activation.It comes in the package which also includes the mikroSDK™ software and a library with all the functions. The Click board™ is ready to use on the development board.
Warning: This product has not been certified for technical compliance. This product has not been certified as conforming to the technical standards. Use in an anechoic chamber or other testing facilities as specified in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Notification No. 173 of March 28, 2006, based on Article 6.1.1 of the Radio Law Enforcement Regulations. After obtaining a license for the experimental station. Use after obtaining a Technical Regulations Conformity Certification.