The 430BOOST-SENSE1 Capacitive Touch BoosterPack is the first extension module that has been designed for the MSP-EXP430G2 MSP4430 LaunchPad development kit. These extension modules are also known as BoosterPacks. They are capable of driving up to 16 touch sense enabled I/O pins.
Connected to the MSP-EXP430G2 with both 10 pin male headers Nine LEDs to show the user interaction Six touch sense parts such as a proximity sensor,4 element wheel,and a button MSP430G2452 preprogrammed device
MSP430 Microcontrollers, Texas Instruments
The MSP430 Platform is a range of mixed-signal, ultra-low power microcontrollers from Texas Instruments. The 16-bit RISC architecture is perfectly suited for wireless, low-power industrial and portable applications. This established range has a strong and popular position due to its ease of use and broad suite of development tools and support. The MSP430 portfolio consists of over 400 devices ranging from the MSP430 Value Line to the revolutionary, highly integrated microcontrollers with embedded FRAM memory.This broad family of products offer integration suited to many designs and applications. High-performance peripherals include USB, RF, LCD controllers and Sigma-Delta ADCs. This allows designers to find the appropriate MSP430 device for many low power applications.