Driven To Inspire: The Science of Going Fast

Taking inspiration from the story and careers of Dr Esther Quaintmere and her team; PDC Racing
Find out how Outstanding Teamwork + Brilliant Engineering Minds = A winning race team.

This content rich double-lesson explores how and why technology, physics, maths and critical thinking all play a key role in what makes a race team so successful. This theme investigates the fundamental principles of design in motorsport and gives your students a chance to put into action knowledge gained, by designing and racing their own virtual race car!

Driven To Inspire: The Science of Going Fast!

Putting you and your students in the driving seat to discover the skills and knowledge you need to suceed at speed!

Knowing the science of speed, thrust, drag, reistance, gravity and torque and its application into this fast moving industry will be one not to be missed.


Imagine X Racer

Bring your lesson to life!

Engineer your car to make it the fastest around the different race tracks
Click the link below to access our FREE online simulation to put all of the lesson plan learning into action.

Lights out.... lets go racing!

Access the game here:

Imagine X Racer

Student User Journey Demo Video

Click the video for a walkthrough of the Imagine X Racer simulation to show your students!

How to login, use the dashboard and how to build and race can be seen in this clip.

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Demo Race

See an example of one of the races...

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