You can compare your products by selecting 'Compare' which is next to each product. Once you have selected your products you wish to compare, click 'Compare selected'. You will then see your selected products in compare view where you can view data sheets, check stock add to basket or remove item.


You'll find over 100,000 technical documents on our search and product pages:

• RS and manufacturer data sheets

• Health & Safety data sheets

• Instruction sheets and certificates

These are shown with a datasheet icon, so you can print them out as needed.

Found an error?

You can help other customers make informed buying decisions. If you’ve spotted an error in a product details, please tell us about it so that we can correct it.

Step 1: On the product page, scroll down below the product details to the 'Found an Error?' link.

Step 2: Complete the requested information.

Step 3: Click the red "Submit" button.